Monday, November 5, 2012

Term 4 Week 4

Here is your task.

Read the instructions and do not ask.

If you complete the tasks by Friday
a reward you will earn that can be spent
on things you eat and maybe drink
Things made and sold now have a think

The tasks are simple and done before
so start now there's no time to snore

for if you do not complete these tasks by Friday
it is you who will miss out so use your time wise-lay

You must
Handwriting - Do a handwriting sample from the website of your choice (it must fill one page in your literacy book)
put it on your folio and comment on changes from your handwriting from term 1 to now, what is different/changed/gotten better?

Online reading

Writing Activity

Spelling Test

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Inspired by Suess.

Here is the task
If you read well you will not need to ask

You must write a rhyme
You will be given enough time

Inspired by Dr Suess is the theme
it can be about anything, even a team

The character must have the same name as you
you can have more than one, if you like have two

It will be drafted then published on a page
Your literacy book is the place this must be done
The quality of the poem I will gauge
If you take your time and think it will be fun

A Snidge reward for the best sounding rhyme
so think about it and take your time.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Editing and proof-reading activity

Re-write this story in your literacy book without the errors.
Underline the things you change in red pen.
There are 9 errors, how many can you find?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week three literacy tasks

This week you need to:

Start reading book trailer books.
- After reading the first couple of chapters, note down the setting, characters and some descriptions of the characters.

Choose a poem for your handwriting.
- Do not choose the shortest poem. You need to find one that fits your page well.

Online spelling test.

Choose an online story to read from the website.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Term 3 Week 1 Literacy tasks

You need to make a picture only comic strip about one event of your school holidays.
Try not to make it too long.
Here is an example.
You will be doing this activity in your literacy book. Please do not rush it, I will give you plenty of time to finish.